Is your work-life and personal life balanced?

Why is it important to balance your career and personal life? Anyone and everyone who is currently working, needs to find the perfect balance between their work-life and their personal life priorities.
How can you tell if your work-life and personal life are properly balanced? You can find out by taking this short quiz:
- I am constantly stressed and feel like my whole life is out of balance.
- True
- False
- I don’t get to spend much time with my friends/family.
- True
- False
- I don’t have a proper “me-day” or a good amount of time for myself to unplug weekly.
- True
- False
- My daily life is pretty unorganized and I tend to just go with the flow without having a proper schedule.
- True
- False
- I tend to work longer hours than anticipated.
- True
- False
- My responsibilities at home have increased.
- True
- False
- My overall physical, emotional and mental health is currently not in a good state.
- True
- False
- Work from home has increased my work hours and decreased my productivity.
- True
- False
- With the new ‘work-from-home’ normal, I can’t draw a line between professional or personal life.
- True
- False
- My social circle only consists of my work friends.
- True
- False
After taking this quiz, if you answered with mostly “A” ‘s, you may need to start thinking about boundaries that you have set, or need to set, and to think about what your top priorities should be.
Click here to find 6 tips for better work-life balance.
[Is your work-life and personal life properly balanced out? Take this quiz to find out!]