Elpizo Connect
We are proud to announce that Elpizo Counselling Services has launched Elpizo Connect Magazine, a quarterly publication designed to inform and educate anyone interested in maintaining great mental health and relationships and also seeking insights on parenting, physical health, work-life balance and so much more.
Contribute to Elpizo Magazine
If you are a health and wellness professional, we are open to receiving your contribution. Please send us an email with your article ideas to info@elpizocounselling.com.
Thank you again for stopping by. Click the cover of each issue to start reading. We hope you’ll enjoy this month’s issue.

March 2021
Issue 01
Our co-founder, Ruth Baah-Gyebi shares her story of abuse in the article: From Trauma to Wholeness. Also, Susan Jackson found the remedy to improving her mental health by starting a fitness studio! You’re going to be so inspired by the article on The Movement for Mental Health. Click the cover to read this and more great stories in Elpizo Connect Magazine.

November 2021
Issue 02
November has been dedicated worldwide to bringing awareness to men’s health and so, while in our maiden issue of Elpizo Connect we celebrated Women’s Accomplishments, in this issue we want to shine light, increase knowledge, and bring awareness around issues impacting men. This will help all of us to be intentional in supporting and encouraging our men to seek necessary help so that they can live longer, be around longer and create wonderful memories with families and friends. Click the cover to read all the great insights and information we have prepared for you and please share with your family and friends.