Career & Professional Life Balancing

Is your work-life and personal life balanced?

Why is it important to balance your career and personal life? Anyone and everyone who is currently working, needs to find the perfect balance between their work-life and their personal life priorities. 


How can you tell if your work-life and personal life are properly balanced? You can find out by taking this short quiz:


  1. I am constantly stressed and feel like my whole life is out of balance. 
  1. True
  2. False
  1. I don’t get to spend much time with my friends/family.
  1. True
  2. False
  1. I don’t have a proper “me-day” or a good amount of time for myself to unplug weekly.
  1. True
  2. False
  1. My daily life is pretty unorganized and I tend to just go with the flow without having a proper schedule.
  1. True
  2. False
  1. I tend to work longer hours than anticipated.
  1. True
  2. False
  1. My responsibilities at home have increased.
  1. True
  2. False
  1. My overall physical, emotional and mental health is currently not in a good state.
  1. True
  2. False
  1. Work from home has increased my work hours and decreased my productivity.
  1. True
  2. False
  1. With the new ‘work-from-home’ normal, I can’t draw a line between professional or personal life.
  1. True
  2. False
  1. My social circle only consists of my work friends.
  1. True
  2. False

After taking this quiz, if you answered with mostly “A” ‘s, you may need to start thinking about boundaries that you have set, or need to set, and to think about what your top priorities should be. 


Click here to find 6 tips for better work-life balance.





[Is your work-life and personal life properly balanced out? Take this quiz to find out!]

Elpizo Joins The Fight Against Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Breast cancer is the most common cancer and second leading cause of cancer death for Canadian women. The National Breast Cancer Foundation reported that a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every two minutes. This October Elpizo is joining the fight and helping to make a difference in the lives of those affected by breast cancer.

An interesting fact about breast cancer is that the left breast seems to develop cancer more often than the right breast, which scientists have yet to figure out why. Also, men can develop breast cancer too. Less than 1% of all breast cancers occur in men and each year in Canada, approximately 220 men are diagnosed with breast cancer – having approximately 60 men die from the disease.

There are many ways for you to contribute to the fight against breast cancer and support those currently battling it:

  1. Self Breast Examination: Breast self-exams are important for the early detection of any cancer,, they do not take up too much time and it’s not painful or uncomfortable. Click here to watch a quick video on how to do a breast self-exam.
  2. Education: There are many free and informative articles, websites, and ebooks you can check out to learn about breast cancer and the effects it has on men and women. Simply do a Google search for ‘breast cancer’ and you’ll have a world of information that is just one click away.
  3. Donations: A little can go a long way and anything is always appreciated! You can donate to screening and treatment centres or organizations that support breast cancer research.
  4. Support: You can now virtually volunteer by hosting online fundraisers and spreading the word + sharing the news about breast cancer awareness.
  5. Be positive and hopeful: Being open and sharing your stories about how you or someone you know have been affected by breast cancer. Wearing a pink ribbon will also help spread awareness and get the conversations starting! 

To all our cancer warriors, Elpizo is fighting with you in hope. On October 25th, Elpizo will be hosting a yoga session at 11 am, followed by a paint and sip on October 30th time to be confirmed.

Come join us in the fight against breast cancer by spreading the word and bringing awareness to this disease. If you would like to make a donation for cancer research, visit our Facebook page and donate funds through our Canadian Cancer Society fundraiser

Brand New: Elpizo Refreshes Brand & Continues to Spread Hope

With fall just starting and winter coming at lightning speed, Elpizo Counselling Service is happy to announce a refresh to a brand that has supported their community for more than 19 years. We are Elpizo and are very excited to showcase this new look for the company and invite everyone to take a look at our website and social media to see the changes. 

Many changes come from this new look like our enhanced, blue and orange colours. The blue represents loyalty, intelligence, faith, tranquillity and calmness. While the orange compliments the blue and represents determination, success, encouragement, and stimulation. We believe that these colours represent Elpizo the best as we embrace these ideals every time we interact with a client or partner.

The Executive Director of Elpizo, Ruth Baah-Gyebi has been very excited about this new era at Elpizo and had this to say. “Our new mission and vision statements “Building hope, renewing strength, supporting healing and enriching lives” captures the essence, core and character of Elpizo”. 

Aside from the colours, there are many other things that you might take notice of. The website has been refreshed and is now easier to navigate for our clients and partners. We will also be producing more content to bring awareness and information to people interested in counselling and therapy on our website as well as Youtube. 
One thing is for sure, even though Elpizo may look different, we are still providing reliable and engaging service to clients. We will always make sure that the clients’ needs come first during every session while at the same time making sure we are accessible through unprecedented times. If you would like a free consultation please feel free to contact us at this link

3 Reasons Why Experienced Therapists Choose Elpizo

At Elpizo, we are looking to expand our family of therapists to make sure we are keeping up with the demand of our clients. We take pride in offering affordable and accessible counselling services in a confidential and safe environment for all people from all walks of life. Experienced therapists from around the country love being part of our team, and here are three reasons why:

We Work as a Family

When we say “family”, we mean that you’ll be working in an understanding, communicative and teamwork environment. We meet together every week in a group setting to check in with each other. We see how each therapist’s cases are going and we teach and mentor our younger therapists. As a team, we are very supportive and encouraging of each other to be the best person you can be for your client. 

Professional Development

We take professional growth seriously at Elpizo, so we make sure that you have the best supervision possible. Not only do we have weekly group meetings, but supervisors will have one-on-ones with our therapists to check in on their current cases and give support where needed. There are also a plethora of training opportunities such as premarital counselling, Rapid Resolution Therapy Training, Egan Stages of Counselling and much more.

We Celebrate

It’s not always work at Elpizo, we also like to take time to celebrate with our team. No matter what the holiday is whether it is a Christmas or Thanksgiving we celebrate with a purpose. We also make sure that each of our therapists feels loved and special on their birthdays! No matter what the holiday is, we make sure we get together because in the end, we are a family.

If you are an experienced therapist and you are considering joining a well-rounded and supportive counselling team, then you’re in the right place. Read more about our opening for experienced therapists here and email us your resume to apply to