Communication Styles in Couple Conflicts

communication styles in couple conflicts by Elpizo CounsellingCouples come with variety of problems in a therapist’s office. Many invariably point finger at their spouse or partner for the relationship difficulties, many argue about finance, intimacy, in-laws, or rearing kids. The problems couples share are simply the effects of a hidden root cause. The root cause is often emotional disconnectedness. Couples desperately try to connect but achieve the opposite due to malfunctional communication style known as “demon dialogues”, the term first coined by Dr. Sue Johnson, according to Dr. Johnson, three destructive communication styles in couple conflicts are:

Find the Bad Guy

This is “attack-attack” communication style, where couples are getting locked in arguments, rattling off accusations at each other, they don’t listen to each other, instead they judge and plan for their next blow. E.g. Linda shouts at Ben for never helping in the kitchen, and Ben retaliates by saying that Linda is ungrateful for his help in the kitchen twice last week, despite long workdays, while Linda gets to stay at home with the children due to his hard labour. This pattern is difficult to maintain for long periods of time and leads to the next.

The Protest Polka

This is the “attack-withdraw” pattern. One partner criticizes or pursues by making demands. This overwhelms the other partner who becomes defensive and shuts down. This devastates the first partner further and leads them to double down their efforts, perceived by the other as an “attack”, leading them to shut down even more. This cycle often escalates into the third one.

Freeze and Flee

When the above two patterns have been going on for a long time, it often drains the energy of the couple, making them feel hopeless, helpless, and distant. Third pattern of “withdraw-withdraw” emerges. Both partners step back to avoid hurt, criticism and rejection. They barely connect and stop taking risk of making contact.

Is There Hope?

There is hope, as our therapists at Elpizo are trained in helping couples recreate and reclaim their relationship. They help couples to change their deeply set harmful communication patterns. Our counsellors help the couple to be safe with each other initially, followed by helping couple learn and practice healthy communication styles and maintaining healthy boundaries. We then help the couple to own their responsibilities, help them being empathetic towards each other, enable them to create new relationship with emotional warmth and connectedness based on the solid foundation of respectful and healthy communication style.

Mamta Bhatt, RP(Q)

communication styles in couple conflicts by Elpizo CounsellingCouples come with variety of problems in a therapist’s office. Many invariably point finger at their spouse or partner for the relationship difficulties, many argue about finance, intimacy, in-laws, or rearing kids. The problems couples share are simply the effects of a hidden root cause. The root cause is often emotional disconnectedness. Couples desperately try to connect but achieve the opposite due to malfunctional communication style known as “demon dialogues”, the term first coined by Dr. Sue Johnson, according to Dr. Johnson, three destructive communication styles in couple conflicts are:

Find the Bad Guy

This is “attack-attack” communication style, where couples are getting locked in arguments, rattling off accusations at each other, they don’t listen to each other, instead they judge and plan for their next blow. E.g. Linda shouts at Ben for never helping in the kitchen, and Ben retaliates by saying that Linda is ungrateful for his help in the kitchen twice last week, despite long workdays, while Linda gets to stay at home with the children due to his hard labour. This pattern is difficult to maintain for long periods of time and leads to the next.

The Protest Polka

This is the “attack-withdraw” pattern. One partner criticizes or pursues by making demands. This overwhelms the other partner who becomes defensive and shuts down. This devastates the first partner further and leads them to double down their efforts, perceived by the other as an “attack”, leading them to shut down even more. This cycle often escalates into the third one.

Freeze and Flee

When the above two patterns have been going on for a long time, it often drains the energy of the couple, making them feel hopeless, helpless, and distant. Third pattern of “withdraw-withdraw” emerges. Both partners step back to avoid hurt, criticism and rejection. They barely connect and stop taking risk of making contact.

Is There Hope?

There is hope, as our therapists at Elpizo are trained in helping couples recreate and reclaim their relationship. They help couples to change their deeply set harmful communication patterns. Our counsellors help the couple to be safe with each other initially, followed by helping couple learn and practice healthy communication styles and maintaining healthy boundaries. We then help the couple to own their responsibilities, help them being empathetic towards each other, enable them to create new relationship with emotional warmth and connectedness based on the solid foundation of respectful and healthy communication style.

Mamta Bhatt, RP(Q)

Key to Stronger Relationships

The key to stronger relationships from ELpizo CounsellingAre you ready for a journey into the heart of relationship bliss? Today, we’re diving deep into the wonderful world of couples learning to accept influence. But don’t worry, we’ll keep it light and sprinkle in some humor along the way with our latest post about the key to stronger relationships!

Picture this: you and your partner, sitting on the couch, trying to decide what to watch on TV. You suggest a romantic comedy, and they counter with an action-packed thriller. Do you turn towards each other with curiosity and compromise, or do you turn away, each stubbornly holding onto your own preference?

In the dance of relationships, turning towards means embracing your partner’s ideas, feelings, and desires with open arms. It’s the secret sauce that keeps love alive and thriving. But sometimes, we miss the subtle cues from our partners, especially when it comes to nonverbal communication.

Think about the last time your partner gave you a longing glance or reached out for your hand. Did you reciprocate with a smile or a gentle squeeze, or did you let the moment slip by unnoticed? Nonverbal cues are like hidden messages waiting to be decoded, and when we miss them, we risk turning away from the connection our partner is offering.

Remember those text message notes that can sound like they’re turning away? Phrases like “Whatever you want” or “I don’t care” may seem harmless, but they can create distance instead of closeness. Successful couples know how to navigate these verbal and nonverbal minefields with grace and humor.

Perhaps you grew up watching your parents interact, with Dad lounging on the couch while Mom chattered away. Did you notice how Dad’s absentminded comments may have been taken by Mom? The detriments of turning away are like tiny drops of water in a bucket. Before you know it, the bucket is full, and your partner is disconnected or seeking connection elsewhere.

But fear not! There’s hope for all lovebirds out there. Here are some best practices from successful couples who have mastered the art of accepting influence:

  1. Active Listening: “Tell me more about that.”
  2. Empathy: “I understand where you’re coming from.”
  3. Compromise: “Let’s find a solution that works for both of us.”

Valentine’s Day might have been a good reminder to create opportunities for turning towards each other. So let’s not wait for the V-Day, continue to plan romantic dinners, surprise your partner with a heartfelt gesture, or simply spend quality time together without distractions. But why stop there? Why not take it up a notch with our Turning Towards Challenge? We’ve compiled 14 secret acts of love and kindness that couples can do for each other constantly and consistently to test how turning towards can make a difference in their relationship.

  1. Leave a love note in their jacket pocket.
  2. Cook their favorite dinner and set up a candlelit table.
  3. Write a list of things you appreciate about them and leave it somewhere they’ll find it.
  4. Make a playlist of songs that remind you of them and share it with them.
  5. End the day with cuddles and conversation about your favorite memories together.

As a part of the challenge consider these common ways in which people often turning away from their partner. Choose two:

  1. Listen attentively when your partner is speaking, without interrupting or dismissing their thoughts.
  2. Make eye contact during conversations to show your presence and engagement. (Phone Down, stop what you’re doing which are all Non-verbal cues to show that you are in fact listening)
  3. Make time for regular check-ins to discuss your relationship and address any concerns or issues. (Couple appointment times are great, if you share calendars then pencil yourself in, send a meeting invite and name it something fun like connecting with my baby)
  4. Show affection through physical touch, such as holding hands or giving spontaneous hugs. (look at them meaningfully eye contact is a lost art try to communicate using your eyes and playfully ask if they got the message, at the least it may foster a laugh)
  5. Make an effort to prioritize your relationship, carving out quality time together amidst busy schedules and commitments. (Life will always be moving ahead, you control the pause create a pause in your relationships just like you do with work and all the other things that happen throughout the day give yourself permission to prioritize each other just like you did in the beginning)

By completing these small acts of kindness and turning towards each other throughout the day, you’ll not only strengthen your bond but also create lasting memories of love and connection. So, are you ready to take on the Turning Towards Challenge? Let the love and kindness flow! 💕 #TurningTowardsChallenge

By actively avoiding these common pitfalls and committing to turning towards your partner in these ways, you’ll deepen your connection and nurture a stronger, more fulfilling relationship with vibrance and love.

Finally, when you catch your partner turning towards you, don’t forget to acknowledge and affirm their efforts. As the saying goes, “Every drop of love counts in the bucket of relationships!”

So, here’s to embracing influence, fostering connection, and keeping the flame of love burning bright. Cheers to all the couples out there who are on this beautiful journey together!

With love and laughter,

Nadine Thompson, RMFT

Marriage and Family Therapist

Nadine is a marriage and family therapist at Elpizo Counselling with several years of experience, where she thoroughly enjoys and thrives at strengthening couple’s relationships.

The key to stronger relationships from ELpizo Counselling

Are you ready for a journey into the heart of relationship bliss? Today, we’re diving deep into the wonderful world of couples learning to accept influence. But don’t worry, we’ll keep it light and sprinkle in some humor along the way with our latest post on the key to stronger relationships!

Picture this: you and your partner, sitting on the couch, trying to decide what to watch on TV. You suggest a romantic comedy, and they counter with an action-packed thriller. Do you turn towards each other with curiosity and compromise, or do you turn away, each stubbornly holding onto your own preference?

In the dance of relationships, turning towards means embracing your partner’s ideas, feelings, and desires with open arms. It’s the secret sauce that keeps love alive and thriving. But sometimes, we miss the subtle cues from our partners, especially when it comes to nonverbal communication.

Think about the last time your partner gave you a longing glance or reached out for your hand. Did you reciprocate with a smile or a gentle squeeze, or did you let the moment slip by unnoticed? Nonverbal cues are like hidden messages waiting to be decoded, and when we miss them, we risk turning away from the connection our partner is offering.

Remember those text message notes that can sound like they’re turning away? Phrases like “Whatever you want” or “I don’t care” may seem harmless, but they can create distance instead of closeness. Successful couples know how to navigate these verbal and nonverbal minefields with grace and humor.

Perhaps you grew up watching your parents interact, with Dad lounging on the couch while Mom chattered away. Did you notice how Dad’s absentminded comments may have been taken by Mom? The detriments of turning away are like tiny drops of water in a bucket. Before you know it, the bucket is full, and your partner is disconnected or seeking connection elsewhere.

But fear not! There’s hope for all lovebirds out there. Here are some best practices from successful couples who have mastered the art of accepting influence:

  1. Active Listening: “Tell me more about that.”
  2. Empathy: “I understand where you’re coming from.”
  3. Compromise: “Let’s find a solution that works for both of us.”

Valentine’s Day might have been a good reminder to create opportunities for turning towards each other. So let’s not wait for the V-Day, continue to plan romantic dinners, surprise your partner with a heartfelt gesture, or simply spend quality time together without distractions. But why stop there? Why not take it up a notch with our Turning Towards Challenge? We’ve compiled 14 secret acts of love and kindness that couples can do for each other constantly and consistently to test how turning towards can make a difference in their relationship.

  1. Leave a love note in their jacket pocket.
  2. Cook their favorite dinner and set up a candlelit table.
  3. Write a list of things you appreciate about them and leave it somewhere they’ll find it.
  4. Make a playlist of songs that remind you of them and share it with them.
  5. End the day with cuddles and conversation about your favorite memories together.

As a part of the challenge consider these common ways in which people often turning away from their partner. Choose two:

  1. Listen attentively when your partner is speaking, without interrupting or dismissing their thoughts.
  2. Make eye contact during conversations to show your presence and engagement. (Phone Down, stop what you’re doing which are all Non-verbal cues to show that you are in fact listening)
  3. Make time for regular check-ins to discuss your relationship and address any concerns or issues. (Couple appointment times are great, if you share calendars then pencil yourself in, send a meeting invite and name it something fun like connecting with my baby)
  4. Show affection through physical touch, such as holding hands or giving spontaneous hugs. (look at them meaningfully eye contact is a lost art try to communicate using your eyes and playfully ask if they got the message, at the least it may foster a laugh)
  5. Make an effort to prioritize your relationship, carving out quality time together amidst busy schedules and commitments. (Life will always be moving ahead, you control the pause create a pause in your relationships just like you do with work and all the other things that happen throughout the day give yourself permission to prioritize each other just like you did in the beginning)

By completing these small acts of kindness and turning towards each other throughout the day, you’ll not only strengthen your bond but also create lasting memories of love and connection. So, are you ready to take on the Turning Towards Challenge? Let the love and kindness flow! 💕 #TurningTowardsChallenge

By actively avoiding these common pitfalls and committing to turning towards your partner in these ways, you’ll deepen your connection and nurture a stronger, more fulfilling relationship with vibrance and love.

Finally, when you catch your partner turning towards you, don’t forget to acknowledge and affirm their efforts. As the saying goes, “Every drop of love counts in the bucket of relationships!”

So, here’s to embracing influence, fostering connection, and keeping the flame of love burning bright. Cheers to all the couples out there who are on this beautiful journey together!

With love and laughter,

Nadine Thompson, RMFT

Marriage and Family Therapist

Nadine is a marriage and family therapist at Elpizo Counselling with several years of experience, where she thoroughly enjoys and thrives at strengthening couple’s relationships.

ECC Group Blog: Key Takeaways From Our Session of Grief & Loss

Our Grief & Loss Sessions were sold out, but we wanted to provide a summary of the key takeaways for those who were not able to attend. We recognize why this is currently our most popular session right now with COVID-19, and it’s why we started our Community Connect program in the first place. The amount of grief and loss people are experiencing is definitely overwhelming, so we hope this blog can be a way for you to still gain valuable experience from our important sessions. 

This blog helps define grief and what it may look like for individuals during this pandemic, and provides some useful tips on how one can manage their grief or loss. Let’s get started!

The first thing to understand about grief is that it’s a response to loss. We often associate grief primarily to the loss of a loved one, however, it can be triggered by any loss of something that is meaningful to an individual, such as a relationship, a job, loss of health, loss of environment due to a move. This global pandemic has especially impacted individuals with unexpected losses that were meaningful to one’s life. It’s okay to still be grieving this type of loss. 

Grief is a highly individual experience and as such, the process and the ways to cope must also be individual. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, however, there are some helpful ways to deal with grief. Certain ways will resonate more with some than others. It’s about implementing those you feel will help you through the process. 

Here are six helpful tips on how to manage your grief and loss: 

  • Be kind to yourself and acknowledge your pain. There is no time limit on this but things do get better. 
  • Know that you are not alone. The people who care about you want to be there and help.  They may not know how. Tell them. 
  • Understand that many different and sometimes unexpected emotions will emerge during your grief journey. Accept these as they are a healthy part of the process. 
  • Continue to take care of yourself physically. A healthy body is better equipped to deal with emotional upset. 
  • Engage in spiritual activities and draw support from your faith.
  • Seek out ways to honour that which you are grieving.  For example, if you’ve lost a loved one, write them a love letter. If you’ve lost your job, write in a journal what you loved about it and what you hope for your next job. 

While this may not be the virtual session you were wanting to attend, we hope this blog can still provide you with some important insights and understandings on these difficult emotions that so many people are experiencing right now. This blog is a great starter point, and you can always book an individual session with one of our professionals to manage your grief and loss. We are still offering lots of dates for our Beyond the Blues and Stress Balance sessions, so be sure to register in advance to reserve your spot!

Valentine’s Day Tips for Couples & Singles

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, which means you may be feeling some pressure to make the day memorable or work on improving your relationship this month. If you are single, you may be feeling extra lonely without as much connection and interactions with the people you care about in your daily life. With this global pandemic, we know how much our individual and partner relationships may be struggling with these challenges. Trying to balance these feelings around the holiday dedicated to appreciating your relationship or yourself may be hard, but we have some tips we want to share to help aid the overwhelming feelings so you can focus on growing whether you are in a relationship or single! 

For The Singles

First, here are the five best things about being single right now: 

  1. Opportunity to know yourself, recognize your personal strengths and celebrate your independence.
  2. Time and freedom to accomplish the things in life you want without having to consider someone else’s schedule, hopes and dreams.  Use it wisely. 
  3. The positive outlook that you still have the opportunity to choose your mate. The world is your love oyster. 
  4. You can cultivate your friendships and build these to have life-long lasting power. 
  5. You learn to love yourself first and only then can you love someone else and receive their love effectively. 

February is a great time to learn about love languages, whether you are with someone or working on improving yourself! 

Do you ever think about how you show love and how you like to receive love? Most people show their love and affection for their partner in the same way they like to receive it as we make an inherent assumption that everybody wants to be shown love in the same way we do. In his book, The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman (2015) identified five key ways that people like to be shown love. Take this love languages quiz and ask your partner to do the same! You can share the quiz with your friends or family if you are currently single to feel more connected during the holiday Discuss your results so that each of you knows how best to show your love for the other!

And remember…hold on when you get love, and let go when you give it (Millan, Seligman, Cranley, McGee, Campbell, 2012). 

For The Couples

This pandemic has definitely changed the way quality time can be spent with a person. This Valentine’s Day is no different, but we have some tips that may help spark some inspiration and ease on how to connect with your partner and grow in your new situations! 

Here are some tips for relationships struggling with distance:

  • Plan a romantic phone call or video chat with your favourite dessert and drink nearby 
  • Share three things you love and appreciate about your significant other 
  • Talk about something you both would be excited to do once you reunite 
  • Share your favourite memory together 
  • Let them know you miss them, and that you can’t wait to see them when it’s safe to do so!

Here are some tips for relationships struggling with being in close proximity: 

  • Plan a relaxing alone time activity for your significant other to show your appreciation 
  • This could be a candlelit bath, grabbing them their favourite book and meal, or giving them time to wind down in the comfiest part of your living area 
  • You can find a way to get out of your space by spending time outside together on a walk, in the park or supporting any local spots that are open right now
  • Doing this small gesture of allowing them to relax and recharge with their favourite things is an excellent way to show you care and love them! 

Resolving Conflict

Do you fight with your partner to win? Or do you fight to seek understanding and resolve the issue?  

When someone is addressing a problem, it can be easy to hear the language they are using as a direct attack or criticism. In those moments, we often stop hearing what they are saying and jump into “defensive” mode whereby we’re formulating our response in our head and not listening. Our defensive mode can additionally lead to offensive responses all of which creates a negative communication cycle. Nobody feels heard or understood, leading to added frustration and no resolution.  

Effective conflict resolution begins with effective communication. We must listen to each other attentively, ensure we’ve understood correctly, and respond with honesty and kindness. Doing so will allow each other to be vulnerable in a safe environment where collaboration can occur to resolve the issue.

“Communication leads to understanding leads to collaboration.”  (L. B. Pearson). 

It can be easy to get caught up in the issues, anxieties and pressures of Valentine’s Day whether you are in a relationship or single. However, during this global pandemic, the most important test has demonstrated that showing love and care for your partner or yourself is what matters most! Prioritizing these relationships right now might seem daunting, but it’s more manageable than you think, and it can start with something as simple as these tips we’ve laid out! 

ECC Group Blog: The Value In Group Support Meetings

Every person can benefit from some form of support in their lives, but a lot of people lose out on the opportunity by not knowing the full potential and values that come along with taking that first step. 

At Elpizo Counselling Services, our Community Connect virtual programs are dedicated to providing accessible services that can bring comfort and ease to any person, and more importantly, add value to overall well being. Group support meetings are the perfect way to introduce a no strings attached method of seeking help and relief for tons of issues that are more common than you think! 

Here are 5 valuable reasons to consider trying one of our support groups:

  • Group atmosphere is laid back, comfortable and a no pressure commitment 
  • Connect, listen, and exchange with others who are experiencing the same struggles 
  • Free opportunity to test out counselling services and methods 
  • No anxiety or fear of sharing your struggles with people in your personal life 
  • Judgement free zone with realistic and manageable ways to incorporate support

Our support groups are relevant and applicable to all kinds of situations, homes and lives that have been negatively disrupted by COVID-19. The goal of these sessions is to provide guidance and support during these uncertain times and to demonstrate how harmless it is to seek and find the help you need. 

There is so much to gain from our Community Connect support groups than just these 5 reasons. Just know that whatever struggle you are going through matters, and that you aren’t alone. 
Take that first step in seeking support by checking out our Stress Balance and Beyond the Blues Community Connect sessions happening throughout February and March!

Podcast: Understanding Mental Health With Ruth Baah-Gyebi

Earlier this month our very own Ruth Bahh-Gyebi was welcomed onto the The Good Health Cafe podcast hosted by Nikita Boston-Fisher to talk about how COVID-19 has impacted mental health, how to offer support and what the therapy experience is like. 

The Good Health Cafe podcast’s goal is to give you tips on how to navigate the healthcare system and easily understand other matters of public health. As we know, the healthcare systems and public health can be pretty confusing with different terminology used and The Good Health Cafe podcast aims to bridge that gap.

In an interview before the podcast, Gyebi and Fisher discussed how to prioritize your mental health during the pandemic. Below are some fantastic tips that Gyebi gave to help your mental health this year, that you can try while stuck at home during the lockdown. 

  • Try new things – candle making, arts and crafts from the dollar store and podcasting are all things that I tried for the first time this year.
  • Take breaks – take a pause to go for a walk. If you have some vacation time, use it. Do what you can to give yourself a chance to rest and recharge.
  • Reconnect with old friends and make new ones – call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while to see how they are doing.

Gyebi also gave a couple of great tips you can try out for the current holiday season. One of those great tips is to gift a visit to a mental health professional to yourself or a loved one. If you’re interested in giving such a gift, Elpizo Counselling has experienced therapists and counsellors that are willing to work with you to get the best help, feel free to call 877-355-7496. 

If you are interested in listening to the full podcast and learning more about mental health and the therapy experience, click here.

The Truth About New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Eve has become more than just a holiday or a time to party for many of us. We look at it as not only a celebration of the past year, or in the case of 2020, a celebration that it is finally over, but also as a chance for a fresh start. So while we go into the new year with resolutions and the best of intentions to keep them, it doesn’t take most of us very long to give up. In fact, about 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. One possible explanation for this is that many people tend to be hoping for a quick fix instead of realistic, achievable, and lasting change, and therefore lack the necessary motivation and commitment to keep their resolutions. 

When making resolutions simply in the spirit of celebration without any real thought into what it takes to achieve them, the enthusiasm and effort felt at the beginning of the year begin to quickly wane. With our inevitable lack of progress towards achieving our resolutions, we soon end up reverting back to old habits. This can be very discouraging and lead many people to believe that they simply do not possess the necessary skills and abilities to achieve positive and lasting change, but maybe the reality is that most new year’s resolutions are flawed to begin with. By setting a specific future date to implement changes implies that we will only begin to make changes once that date arrives rather than doing it now, and there is simply no logic in that. All of us are works in progress so we should strive to implement change into our lives on a regular basis, not just once a year. 

So instead of making resolutions this new year, incorporate healthy behaviour into your everyday life by setting goals along with strategies for achieving them. The difference between a goal and a resolution is that a resolution is a decision to (not) do a specific behaviour while a goal is a series of planned out steps designed to help you achieve the end result you are aiming for. In this respect, creating specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely (SMART) goals, instead of new year’s resolutions, is the key to long-term success and growth. Below are some guidelines for how you change your life for the better starting today:

  • Decide and commit to making a change.
  • Start immediately, do not wait for new year’s day to come around. There is no better time than the present moment.
  • Set realistic goals and when necessary, break them down into smaller, more easily achievable goals. Once you start achieving these smaller goals, you will be motivated to keep moving towards your bigger, seemingly hard to reach goals.
  • Document what you want to achieve.
  • Have a strategy or system in place for achieving your goals and identify possible obstacles or areas for potential set-backs. Your enthusiasm and motivation may wane over time but you can mitigate their effect by having a plan in place to push through. 
  • Be as specific as possible when setting goals and make sure that they are specific, measurable, and have a deadline. 
  • Understand that true purpose of what you want to achieve.
  • Do not overshoot! Select the 1 or 2 goals that are most important to you and focus on them. Once you see that you are able to achieve these, you will be more motivated to continue setting goals and working towards improving your life – throughout the year. 
  • Adopt a mindset of absolute belief and faith that you can accomplish whatever you put your mind to.

Starting 2021 with no New Year’s resolutions can be a liberating experience of getting what you really want. By setting goals throughout the year, you are giving yourself permission to make incremental progress and enjoy the process instead of getting wrapped up in the outcomes. Small steps become enjoyable and you adopt a growth mindset instead of judging yourself for perceived failures. Real change comes when you know your desired outcome and commit to making your goals a reality. Get everything you want this year and every year, by deciding to set and achieve goals that truly matter to you.


The Reason You Feel SAD During The Winter

The winter season is now upon us, which for some may mean a noticeable  change in our mood. With the sun setting early now and the cold weather taking over, it’s not uncommon to  experience a decrease in motivation and more frequent depressive episodes during this time.

The month of December shines light on Seasonal Affective Disorder, otherwise known as the acronym, “SAD”. This disorder is a type of depression that arises during the change in season. Most people who experience SAD feel their energy being depleted and lose interest in activities they once enjoyed. On the rare occasion, people may experience depression caused by SAD during the spring or early summer months too. 

Symptoms of SAD may include:

  • Feelings of depression as the winter season progresses
  • Low energy
  • Lack of sleep or oversleeping
  • Losing interest and motivation
  • Loss of appetite or weight loss/gain
  • Sluggish and anxious feelings 
  • Suicidal thoughts

The cause of SAD may be due to the reduced level of sunlight in the fall and winter months, a decrease in serotonin levels due to the lack of sunlight, and the body’s level of melatonin becoming disrupted.

If you experience severe symptoms of SAD and do not get treated, it can possibly lead to worse problems such as:

  • Problems at work or school
  • Substance Abuse 
  • Extreme suicidal thoughts or behaviour 
  • Other mental health disorders

Light therapy, medication and psychotherapy are options of treatment you may want to look into if you’re experiencing symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Of course it is normal to have some days of feeling down, but if you feel it an overwhelming amount of times and just can’t get yourself back to normal, you should highly consider seeing a doctor or counselling service. 

Elpizo Community Connect: Navigating The Holiday Season

The Holiday Season has arrived and it is going to be unlike any other. With COVID-19 still being a hot topic, many are opting to change from their traditional routine to a new one. 

Last week on Elpizo’s Community Connect, the team came together and discussed how to navigate this holiday season. If you don’t know what to do this holiday season you should definitely take a look! 

This is our last Community Connect for the year so if you’re interested in the other topics that we cover we recommend going over to our Youtube channel to watch our other Elpizo Community Connect sessions. 

Watch the workshop below and leave us a comment on how your navigating this holiday season! 

Elpizo Community Connect: Time Management

Managing your time well can make all the difference between living a stressful or stress-free life. Join the Elpizo team in this workshop to get some valuable insights and information on time management.

Download the worksheets below:

Time Management Daily Activities Log

Where Does the Time Go Worksheet


Watch the workshop below and leave us a comment if you have tips and time hacks of your own.